
Who are the Governors?
The governors are volunteers who wish to help clarify what can be done to enable all the pupils to achieve even better results.The governing body for the 2022-2023 academic year was as follows:
The governing body work incredibly hard. Full Governing Body meetings are where the majority of work is done and are held once every half term. The only subcommittee is finance which meets termly.. To date, no committee meeting has had to be cancelled or postponed due to lack of attendance.

The governors are part of the school's leadership and management team. Their role is to support and to challenge. They visit the school during the term to see what is happening, to monitor strategies and our progress against the School Development Plan. They hold the headteacher to account for all aspects of the school's performance.

The governing body has a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and their personal interest. A register of business interests is kept in school - please contact the head teacher should you need to see this. None of the current governors are members of other educational establishment governing bodies.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Governing Body

The law states, "The Governing Body shall conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school." Education Act 2002

  • Decide the school's strategy for improvement.
  • Provide the Headteacher and other staff with support, advice and information.
  • Monitor and evaluate the school's performance and effectiveness.
  • Help to understand what can be done to achieve even better results.
  • Answer to parents and the local community for the actions of the Governing Body and the school's overall performance.
  • Instrument of Government

Principles of Governance

Individually governors have no special power, responsibility, duty or rights unless specifically delegated by the Governing Body, e.g .governors have no automatic right to speak on behalf of the school or special rights of access to the school or staff.

Collectively the Governing Body is responsible for the school's performance and governors are accountable to the local authority for how the school is run and for many legal duties described in 'The Guide to the Law for School Governors'.

The Headteacher is responsible for the organisation and management of the school to implement the strategy established by the governing body and is accountable to the governing body for the schools performance.

Governors have equal status & rights and decisions are made by majority vote and then must be accepted by all, the quorum is 50%; voting and discussions are confidential.

Structure and Meetings of the Governing Body

There are different types of governors and the normal minimum term is four years. After this time a governor can offer to stand to be re-elected for a further term.

Vacancies are notified via the school newsletter and anyone can apply. If there are more applicants than vacancies, elections are held or extra Associate Governors are appointed.

The Full Governing Body meets 6 times a year, once each half term. 

Every year a Chair and Vice-Chair for the Full Governing Body  is elected from among the non-staff members of the Governing Body.

Anyone can attend a Full Governors' meeting on request.

Agenda and Minutes of meetings are available on request from the school.

Did you know?

There are different types of Governor.

Parents: Provide a parent viewpoint but do not formally represent all parents' views.

Community: Provide particular experience and/or links that will benefit the school.

Local Authority: Provide a WSCC view.

Staff: Provides a staff viewpoint but do not formally represent all staff views.

If you are interested in becoming a School Governor please read about the role on the West Sussex website or contact the school office.