
Below you can read the latest Ofsted Report from the two-day inspection that took place on 7th and 8th June, at the start of this half term. I am hugely proud to say that Boxgrove C of E Primary School retains a ‘Good’ grading and that the inspectors were able to see so many of the brilliant things that happen in our school.

The report starts by commenting that:  “Pupils are proud to attend this small nurturing school.”

We were also pleased to see them comment that: “Staff know each pupil exceptionally well… and make sure that pupils are supported emotionally, and that their pastoral needs are met.”

As a school, we are always looking to improve what we do for the benefit of the pupils. We agree with the inspectors that in a minority of subjects we do not adapt the curriculum well enough for all pupils. This will be at the heart of our school development plan for next year.

Do take time to read the report in full. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took part in the inspection as well as everyone who continues to support the school every day - staff, governors, parents and pupils alike.